Pakistaniaat: A Journal of Pakistan Studies, Vol. 3 (1): 2011

Asad Zaman. On Improving Social Science Education in Pakistan
Muhammad Iqbal and Samia Khalid. Pakistan’s Relations with the United States During Ayub Khan’s Period
Syeda Sara Abbas. Deliberative Oratory in the Darkest Hour: Style Analysis of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto’s Statement at the Security Council
Sultan-i-Rome. Crisis and Reconciliation in Swat
Sohomjit Ray. Review, Sadaf Ahmad’s Transforming Faith: The Story of Al-Huda and Islamic Revivalism Among Pakistani Women
Amit Ranjan. Review, India-Pakistan: Coming to Terms
David Waterman. Review, Education and Gendered Citizenship in Pakistan
Claire Omhovère. Review, Granta Special Issue on Pakistan
Notes & Commentaries
Masood Ashraf Raja. US-Pakistan Relations: The Need for a Strategic Vision
Mashhood Ahmed Sheikh. Quality registry for improving the quality and relevance of higher education in Pakistan
Poetry & Prose
Shadab Zeest Hashmi. A Halva Vendor Bemoans a Legendary Calligrapher
Rizwan Akhtar. The Mystic Dancers of Punjab
Rizwan Akhtar. Pakistani story (from real to Comic)
Mansoor Abbasi. An Interview with Zulfikar Ghose