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Purpose and Frequency
The purpose of the Newsletter is to share the news about the field , articles, conference CFPs, and member announcements. At this point our plan is to send one Newsletter per week. WE have also recently started a series of postcolonial-themed webinars and if you join the Postcolonial Space Newsletter then you will always be the first ones to get the details of these webinars. Also, we will try to include particular news about the field of postcolonialism and any other relevant information in our regular newsletters.
How to Sign Up for Postcolonial Space Newsletter?
You can sign up in different ways:
- Use this LINK.
- Sign up through our Subscription Page.
- Sign Up using our Newsletter Archive Page.
- Sign up using the Subscribe Window in the sidebar of Postcolonial Space.
Want to Share your News and Ideas?
If you need to share news about your research, teaching, conference or any other aspects of your academic life as a postcolonialist, please CONTACT US to send us your information.
Thank you!