As an introductory course to the graduate studies in English, this course will focus on making us aware of the major debates in the field of literature pedagogy and various approaches to critical reading of literary texts.
For the purpose of this course, we will take the sociality of literature and literary studies as axiomatic and then learn the methods of engaging with literature as responsible scholars and critically conscious citizens of a complex and globalized world. Discussed also will be the nature of our responsibility as teachers and scholars in encouraging a critically conscious global citizenship based in solidarity and ethical responsibility toward our global others, especially those who form the so-called “wretched of the earth” as a consequence of the lopsided nature of the current phase of high capital.
Required Texts
Edgell, Zee. Time and the River. Oxford: Heinemann, 2007
Okri, Ben. The Famished Road. New York: Anchor, 1993.
Freire, Paulo. Pedagogy of the Oppressed. New York: Continuum, 2004
Tagg, John. The Learning Paradigm College. Bolton: Anker Publishing, 2003.
The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism.
Eagleton, Terry. Literary Criticism. Second Edition.
Occasional handouts.
Course Policies and Requirements
You are expected to respond to all the discussion prompts in detail and in a timely manner.
Distribution of Points:
Online Discussion 400 Points
Mid term paper 200
Term Paper 400 Points
Total 1000 Points
Online Discussion:
You are required to provdie a written response to assigned readings for each week. To post your response please visit the “Discussion Forum” on this website and post your comments in the DIS section.
Mid-Term Paper:
The Mid-term paper will be due by the end of the eighth week. It should be 8-10 pages (typed, double-spaced, font 12, Times Roman) and should examine at least one of the novels assigned for the class. You may develop your presentation topic into this project. You are not expected to engage in any detailed research; the secondary sources discussed in the class are sufficient. Papers must be handed in on the due date: No electronic submissions.
Term Paper:
The final term paper will be due on the last day of class. The paper should be 15-20 pages, with a clearly defined thesis and a coherent argument. I would encourage you to choose your topic early and do extensive research. I will be available to assist during all stages of your research and composition process.
Cheating and Plagiarism:
(Excerpt from the University’s Administrative policy and procedures regarding student cheating and plagiarism. Excerpted from University Policy Register #3342-3-07) )
Cheating and plagiarism constitute fraudulent misrepresentation for which no credit can be given and for which appropriate sanctions are warranted and will be applied.
“Cheat” means intentionally to misrepresent the source, nature, or other conditions of academic work so as to accrue undeserved credit, or to cooperate with someone else in such misrepresentation. Such misrepresentations may, but need not necessarily, involve the work of others. As defined, cheating includes, but is not limited to:
Obtaining or retaining partial or whole copies of examination, tests or quizzes before these are distributed for student use;
Using notes, textbooks or other information in examinations, tests and quizzes, except as expressly permitted;
Obtaining confidential information about examinations, tests or quizzes other than that released by the instructor;
Securing, giving or exchanging information during examinations;
Presenting data or other material gathered by another person or group as one’s own;
Falsifying experimental data or information;
Having another person take one’s place for any academic performance without the specific knowledge and permission of the instructor;
Cooperating with another to do one or more of the above; and
Using a substantial portion of a piece of work previously submitted for another course or program to meet the requirements of the present course or program without notifying the instructor to whom the work is presented.
Presenting falsified information in order to postpone or avoid examinations, tests, quizzes, or other academic work.
“Plagiarize” means to take and present as one’s own a material portion of the ideas or words of another or to present as one’s own an idea or work derived from an existing source without full and proper credit to the source of the ideas, words, or works. As defined, plagiarize includes, but is not limited to:
(a) The copying of words, sentences and paragraphs directly from the work of another without proper credit;
(b) The copying of illustrations, figures, photographs, drawings, models, or other visual and nonverbal materials, including recordings, of another without proper credit; and
(c) The presentation of work prepared by another in final or draft form as one’s own without citing the source, such as the use of purchased research papers.
Registration Requirement:
The official registration deadline for this course is September 7, 2008. University policy requires all students to be officially registered in each class they are attending. Students who are not officially registered for a course by published deadlines should not be attending classes and will not receive credit or a grade for the course. Each student must confirm enrollment by checking his/her class schedule (using Student Tools in FlashFast) prior to the deadline indicated. Registration errors must be corrected prior to the deadline.
University Policy 3342-3-01.3 requires that students with disabilities be provided reasonable accommodations to ensure their equal access to course content. If you have a documented disability and require accommodations, please contact the instructor at the beginning of the semester to make arrangements for necessary classroom adjustments. Please note, you must first verify your eligibility for these through Student Accessibility Services (contact 330-672-3391 or visit for more information on registration procedures).
Grading Scale
A 950-1000 D 630-659
A- 900-949 D- 600-629
B+ 860-899 F Less than 600 Points
B 830-859
B- 800-829
C+ 760-799
C 739-759
C- 700-729
D+ 660-699
Weekly Class Schedule
Note: This is a tentative weekly schedule. The instructor may change it as and when it
becomes necessary. All such changes will be announced in the class.
Week One
Introduction to the course
“What is Literature?” Eagleton
Freire. Pedagogy of the Oppressed.
Week Two
Discussion: Eagleton and Freire.
“The Rise of English” Eagleton.
Tagg. The Learning Paradigm College.
Week Three
Discussion: Eagleton and Tagg.
“Phenomenology, Hermeneutics, and Reception Theory” Eagleton
“Intro to Theory and Criticism” (Norton 1-28)
Mathew Arnold, Intro and “The Function of Criticism. . .” (Norton 802-832).
Week Four
Discussion: Eagleton and Arnold.
Eliot. Intro & “Tradition and the Individual Talent.” (Norton 1088-98)
Ransom. Intro & “Criticism, INC.” (Norton 1105-1118)
Brooks. Intro & “From the Well Wrought Urn.” (Norton 1350-1365)
Wismatt. Intro & “The Intentional Fallacy & The Affective Fallacy.” (Norton 1371-1402)
Week Five
Discussion: Eagleton, Eliot, Ransom, Brooks and Wismat
“Structuralism and Semiotics.” Eagleton.
Heidegger. Intro & “Language.” (Norton 118-1134)
Iser. Intro & “Interaction Between Text and Reader.” (Norton 1670-1682)
Barthes. Intro & “The Death of the Author.” (Norton 1466-1470)
Fish. Intro & “Interpreting the Variorum.” (Norton 2071-2089).
Week Six
Class Discussion: Eagleton, Iser, Barthes and Fish.
“Post-Structuralism.” Eagleton.
Saussure. Intro and “from Course in General Linguistics.” (Norton 956-977)
Levi-Strauss. (Norton 1415-1427)
Week Seven
Class Discussion: Eagleton, Saussure and Levi-Strauss.
Frye. Intro and “The Archetypes of Literature.” (Norton 14421457)
Jakobson. Intro & “Linguistics and Poetics.” (1254-1265)
Althusser. (Norton 1476-1509)
Week Eight
Class Discussion: Frye, Jakobson and Althusser.
“Psychoanalysis.” Eagleton.
Nietzsche. Intro and “On Truth and Lying.” (Norton 874-883)
Barthes. “From Work to Text.” (Norton 1470-1476)
Week Nine
Discussion: Eagleton, Nietzche and Barthes.
Derrida. Intro & “Plato’s Pharmacy.” (Norton 1830-1876)
Foucault. Intro & “What is an Author.” (Norton 1622-1635)
Week Ten
Discussion: Derrida, Foucault.
“Conclusion” Eagleton
Freud. Intro & “The Interpretation of Dreams.” (Norton 913-929).
Lacan. Intro, “Mirror Stage” and “Agency of the Letter” (Norton 1278-1302)
Jung. (Norton 987-1002)
Edgell. Time and the River.
Week Eleven
Discussion: Freud, Lacan and Jung and Edgell..
Term Paper topics
Kristeva. (Norton 2165-2179)
Butler. 2485-2501)
Okri. The Famished Road.
Week Twelve
Discussion: Krieteva, Butler and Okri.
Cixous (Norton 2035-2056)
Woolf. (Norton 1017-1029)
Benjamin (Norton 1163).
Week Thirteen
Discussion: Cixous, Woolf, Benjamin.
Gramsci (Norton 1135)
Jameson (Norton 1932)
Achebe (Norton 1781),
Fanon (Norton 1575),
Said (Norton 1986)
Spivak (Norton 2193)
Week Fourteen
Discussion: Gramsci, Jameson, Achebe, Fanon, Said, and Spivak.
Concluding Discussion and online Workshop on Term Paper.
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