Postcolonial Academic Journals
African Journal of History and Culture
AJHC is an open access journal that provides rapid publication (monthly) of articles in all areas of the subject. The Journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence. Papers will be published approximately one month after acceptance. All articles published in AJHC will be peer-reviewed
African and Black Diaspora: An International Journal
This is the first academic journal that directly addresses the needs of scholars working in the important field of African Diaspora studies. It will advance the analytical and interrogative discourses that constitute this distinctive interdisciplinary study of the deterritorialised and transnational nature of the African and Black Diaspora.
Beyond essentialist modes of theorizing, the journal will locate the movement of African descended populations (geographical, cultural, social, political and psychological) in the context of globalized and transnational spaces by emphasizing the centrality of African and Black Diaspora.
The journal will publish research articles, commentaries and book reviews. All articles will be peer-reviewed. Authors interested in contributing should contact one of the three Editors. A special issue Navigating African Diaspora: Crossing, Belonging and Presence, is in preparation.
African Journal of History and Culture
AJHC is an open access journal that provides rapid publication (monthly) of articles in all areas of the subject. The Journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence. Papers will be published approximately one month after acceptance. All articles published in AJHC will be peer-reviewed.
African Journals OnLine (AJOL) is the world’s largest and pre-eminent collection of peer-reviewed, African-published scholarly journals. Historically, scholarly information has flowed from North to South and from West to East. It has also been difficult for African researchers to access the work of other African academics.
In partnership with hundreds of journals from all over the continent, AJOL works to change this, so that African-origin research output is available to Africans and to the rest of the world. AJOL is a Non-Profit Organisation based in South Africa.
African Studies Review
The African Studies Review is the principal academic and scholarly journal of the African Studies Association. The ASR appears three times per year in April, September, and December, and is mailed to members of the Association as one of the many benefits of membership.
The mission of the ASR is to publish the highest quality articles, as well as book and film reviews in all academic disciplines that are of interest to the interdisciplinary audience of ASA members. The editors welcome manuscript submissions from scholars everywhere, whether or not they are members of the ASA. Each manuscript is normally sent out to panels of peer reviewers whose judgment the editors rely upon in deciding whether to accept the manuscript for publication.
All matters pertaining to advertising in the ASR, obtaining back issues, replacing lost issues, address changes, and ASA membership matters should be addressed directly to the Secretariat of the African Studies Association.
The articles that appear in the ASR are edited by Ralph Faulkingham of the University of Massachusetts Amherst and by Mitzi Goheen of Amherst College. Book reviews are commissioned and edited by Catharine Newbury and David Newbury of Smith College. The editors rely on the faculty of the Five College African Studies Council for editorial policy guidance, and the costs of editing the ASR are borne by Five Colleges, Inc., a consortium representing Amherst College, Hampshire College, Mount Holyoke College, Smith College, and the University of Massachusetts Amherst.
AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples
AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples is a peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal. It aims to present indigenous worldviews from native indigenous perspectives. AlterNative is dedicated to the analysis and dissemination of native indigenous knowledge that uniquely belongs to cultural, traditional, tribal and aboriginal peoples as well as first-nations, from around the world. AlterNative spans themes of origins, place, peoples, community, culture, traditional and oral history, heritage, colonialism, power, intervention, development and self-determination.
The American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences (AJISS) is an interdisciplinary journal published by the Association of Muslim Social Scientists and the International Institute of Islamic Thought. AJISS publishes a wide variety of peer reviewed scholarly research on all facets of Islam and the Muslim world: politics, history, economic philosophy, metaphysics, psychology, religious law, and Islamic thought, employing both empirical and theoretical analysis. AJISS aims to provide a forum for high-quality original research and critical dialogand discussion, advancing both application of social sciences to the study of Islam and the Muslim world and an analysis of the social sciences. In addition, AJISS includes research notes, short opinion pieces, insightful reviews of published books of interest to our subscribers, as well as conference reports and research notes and abstracts of doctoral theses.
Anthurium: A Caribbean Studies Journal
Anthurium is a bi-annual, peer-reviewed journal that publishes original works by Caribbean writers and scholars worldwide exclusively in electronic form. The journal promotes a lively exchange among writers and scholars in the arts, humanities, and social sciences who hold diverse perspectives on Caribbean literature and culture and offers a mixture of fiction, poetry, plays, critical essays, cultural studies, interviews, and visual art. Book reviews and bibliographies, special thematic issues, and original art and photography are some of the features of this international journal of Caribbean arts and letters.
Ariel: A Review of International English Literature
ARIEL: A Review of International English Literature is a quarterly journal (published in January, April, July, and October) devoted to the critical and scholarly study of the new and the established literatures in English around the world in its various manifestations as International English Literature, Postcolonial Literatures, Commonwealth Literature, New Literatures in English, and World Writing in English (see Message from the Editor). It welcomes particularly articles on the relationships among the new literatures and between the new and the established literatures. It publishes a limited number of original poems in each issue.
ARIEL, founded in 1970, has readers and subscribers in more than 50 countries around the world.
Asian Studies Review adopts a contemporary approach to critical studies of Asia and welcomes new research in related disciplines. Areas covered include recent academic explorations in cultural studies, film and media studies, popular and youth cultures, queer studies, diasporic studies, transnational and globalisation studies, health sciences, and the environment. The journal is multidisciplinary and welcomes contributions in the fields anthropology, history, economics, politics, sociology, language and literature, philosophy, religion, human geography, international relations, gender and sexuality studies. Asian Studies Review also includes review articles and book reviews.
Asian Studies Review is associated with the Asian Studies Association of Australia (, a professional organisation with over 500 members devoted to the study of all aspects of Asia.
Asiatic is the very first international journal on Asian Englishes and English writings by Asian and Asian diasporic writers, currently being the only one of its kind. It aims to publish high-quality research articles and outstanding creative works combining the broad fields of literature and linguistics within its focus area.
Australian Literary Studies, is a fully refereed journal devoted to the criticism and scholarship of Australian literature, was founded in 1963 by Laurie Hergenhan, now Emeritus Professor of the University of Queensland.
borderlands is a refereed international journal that aims to promote transdisciplinary work across the humanities, work which might also intersect with diverse practices and sites in culture, policy and everyday life. Although our beginnings are modest, we hope that over time you will be able to view writings cutting across and between politics, media, literature, history, law, science, medicine, philosophy, economics, music, film and more, along with incisive debate about contemporary culture.
Callaloo: A Journal of African Diaspora Arts and Letters
Callaloo, the premier African-American and African literary journal, publishes original works and critical studies of black artists and writers worldwide. The journal offers a rich mixture of fiction, poetry, plays, crticial essays, interviews, and visual art from the Africandiaspora.
Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies
The Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies is published biannually for the Canadian Association for Latin American and Caribbean Studies. CJLACS is a multidisciplinary, refereed journal. Articles are accepted in four languages – English, French, Spanish and Portuguese.
Cercles welcomes articles on the social and cultural practices of the English-speaking world: literature, linguistics, history, politics, sociology, anthropology, esthetics… It offers a variety of perspectives, involving gender, ethnicity, ideology, and theory. We encourage submissions in English and French, but also any other language, provided a translation is submitted in either French or English.
No manuscript will be considered if it is concurrently under consideration by another journal or is soon to be published elsewhere. However, the editors might consider publishing previously printed material, provided the original publisher has granted one-time printing rights to Cercles. Articles published in Cercles may not be published elsewhere unless permission is granted by Cercles.
Authors are encouraged to submit relevant graphics (photographs, maps, charts, line drawings, cartoons) with the manuscript. Author are responsible for obtaining written permission to publish any copyrighted material.
Commonwealth: Essays and Studies
Commonwealth Essays and Studies is a peer-reviewed journal of criticism devoted to the study of postcolonial literatures, in all periods and genres. We welcome submissions of articles, interviews, and reviews on literary topics relating to any area of the New Literatures in English. Translations are to be provided for citations in languages other than English.
Contemporary Islam: Dynamics of A Muslim Life
Contemporary Islam: Dynamics of Muslim Life
– is the first peer-reviewed socio-scientific journal focused on Muslim life
– closes the existing gap within the range of journals focusing on Islam
– focuses on contemporary issues of Islam, providing an international forum of discussion
– is multidisciplinary and multicultural
Encounters: An International Journal for the Study of Culture and Society
Encounters: An International Journal for the Study of Culture and Society will promote and publish scholarship from the humanities and the social sciences, and their intersections on topics related to the encounters of cultures, intellectual traditions, and social and political systems across space and time. The journal seeks a critical understanding of the transcultural and transnational factors that shape such encounters –and by extension, the world as we know it. The editors encourage contributions that explicitly link the humanities and the social sciences and engage their different methodologies. Regular special volumes will offer stimulating, focused engagement with specific historical, political, cultural, social or theoretical questions. Encounters will be peer-reviewed and published biannually.
Since it was established in 1958, English Studies in Africa has published some of the key interventions in literary studies. Given its origins in the Department of English at the University of the Witwatersrand, its emphasis for many years was thoroughly Leavesite. Looking back over the succession of editions, though, one can trace the challenges to this orthodoxy, first in the name of cultural materialism, and subsequently from a diverse range of theoretical perspectives.
The journal has emphasized, as its name attests, the study of world literature in English within African contexts, at the same time as it set about promoting the study of African literature worldwide. Its founding editors clearly wished to establish a conduit between Anglo-American and Southern African literary studies, and this ethos persists, though in a revised form.
Ethnicity and Race in a Changing World: A Review Journal
Ethnicity and Race in a Changing World: A Review Journal is a new e-journal contributing to the academic debate into race relations. It is an international, multidisciplinary journal aimed at academics, undergraduates, postgraduates, researchers and practitioners in the field. The journal will be published twice yearly and will include two peer reviewed academic essays, one research paper, one peer reviewed book review as well as 40 professionally produced short book reviews. The book reviews will be categorised under 13 subject headings covering many disciplines such as the arts, social sciences, history, geography, science and education.
Global Social Policy is a fully peer reviewed journal that advances the understanding of the impact of globalisation processes upon social policy and social development on the one hand, and the impact of social policy upon globalisation processes on the other hand.
Hybridity: Journal of Cultures, Texts and Identities
Hybridity is a multidisciplinary and internationally-refereed journal housed in the Department of English Language and Literature of the National University of Singapore, and published by Oxford University Press Singapore.
International Journal of Africana Studies
The International Journal of African Studies is designed to interrogate and analyze the lived experiences of Africana people. The Journal focuses on the interrogation of African people and societies from the perspective of African humanity. It is primarily concerned with examining the historical realities, organizational and political behavior, socio-economic dynamics and cultural practices of African people. The Journal promotes scholarly debate and research on issues relating to the African global experience. It will only publish original scholarly papers and creative works that focus on critical issues confronting Africana development and humanity. Articles must demonstrate rigorous and thorough research that is relevant to the local, national and global African experience.
The International Journal of Critical Pedagogy is committed to publishing original articles that propose innovative understandings and applications of critical pedagogy. The journal covers a wide range of perspectives in areas such as:
– Diversity
– Popular culture
– Media literacy
– Critical praxis
– Experimental methodologies
Published in Canada with an international scope, the International Journal of Critical Pedagogy publishes articles in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Brazilian Portuguese.
International Journal of Francophone Studies
The International Journal of Francophone Studies offers a critical preview for a new development in the understanding of ‘France outside France’, with a thorough insight into the network of disciplinary issues affiliated with this study. The journal complements the thriving area of scholarly interest in the French-speaking regions of the world, bringing a location of linguistic, cultural, historical and social dynamics within a single academic arena.
Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies
Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies is a specialist peer-reviewed journal focusing on the following aspects of postcolonial research, theory and politics:
- The histories of imperialism and colonialism
- The role of culture (academic, literary and popular) in the operation of imperialism and in the formations of national resistance
- Liberation struggles, past and ongoing
- The role of religion and culture in new nationalisms
- The contemporary politics of identity; race and ethnicity; gender and sexuality
- The economics of neo-colonialism
- Diaspora and migrancy
- Indigenous fourth-world cultures
- The connections between colonialism and modernity, postcolonialism and postmodernism
- Questions of postcolonial literatures
- Languages and translation
Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies
The Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies is a refereed, academic journal covering in principle all aspects of Arabic and Islamic studies. The Journal is published on the Internet by the editors and cooperating institutions and on paper by Edinburgh University Press. Contributions for articles are welcomed in English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish. Please refer to the Style Sheet regarding formatting and the programs in which manuscripts may be submitted. All material should be sent in the first instance as an e-mail attachment to the Editor, Alex Metcalfe <>.
Journal of Asian and African Studies
The Journal of Asian and African Studies (JAAS) was founded in 1965 to further research and study on Asia and Africa.
JAAS is a peer reviewed journal of area studies recognised for consistent scholarly contributions to cutting-edge issues and debates. The journal welcomes articles, research communiations, and book reviews that focus on the dynamics of global change and development of Asian and African nations, societies, cultures, and the global community.
Published in February, May, August, and November, The Journal of Asian Studies (JAS) has long been recognized as the most authoritative and prestigious publication in the field of Asian studies. This quarterly has been published regularly since 1941, offering Asianists a wealth of information unavailable elsewhere.
Journal of Caribbean Literatures
The Journal of Caribbean Literatures (JCLs) is devoted entirely to literature, in all genres, by, about, and concerning the writers and critics of the Caribbean.
Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History
Interdisciplinary in nature and global in scope, the journal welcomes articles drawn from the tenth century to modern times that deal with aspects of colonialism and imperialism in the broadest sense of these terms. The stance should be narrative and empirical, rather than theoretical, although certain theoretical issues such as post-colonialism are not excluded. The journal will be published three times a year (in April, August, and December). The language is English and the journal will not consider works published elsewhere. Sponsored by Towson University.
Journal of Commonwealth and Postcolonial Studies
The Journal of Commonwealth and Postcolonial Studies publishes interdisciplinary and cross-cultural articles, interviews, and creative writings on the literatures, the histories, the politics, and the arts whose focus, locales, or subjects involve Britain and other European countries and their former colonies, the now decolonized, independent nations in the Americas, Africa, Asia, and the Caribbean, and also Australia, Canada, Ireland, and New Zealand.
The Journal of Commonwealth Literature
“The Journal of Commonwealth Literature has long established itself as an invaluable resource and guide for scholars in the overlapping fields of commonwealth Literature, Postcolonial Literature and New Literatures in English. The journal is an institution, a household word and, most of all, a living, working companion.” Edward Baugh.
Journal of International and Global Studies
The Journal of International and Global Studies provides a peer reviewed multidisciplinary forum for the critical discussion and reflections on the consequences of globalization throughout the world. The editors welcome essays and book reviews that deal with globalization from economists, historians, political scientists, anthropologists, sociologists, geographers, linguists, religious, ethnic, or environmental studies specialists, cross-cultural education, media and communication researchers, or other humanities or social science scholars that have an international and global focus. One of our goals is to help undermine the fragmentation of specialization within the international academy by emphasizing broad interdisciplinary approaches to the comprehension of globalization in all of its many different forms and implications for different regions of the world.
Journal of Islam in Asia
The Journal of Islam in Asia is published by the International Islamic University Malaysia. It is a refereed International Arabic-English biannual Journal. The Journal includes articles, selected studies, book reviews, reports of conferences etc., which are relevant to Islamic thought and Muslim concerns. The Journal sees itself as an instrument, and an extension, to promote the IIUM’s mission of (IIICE); Integration, Islamicization, Internationalization and Comprehensive Excellence. The Editorial Board invites scholars and researchers to submit contributions to the Secretariat of the Journal.
Journal of Palestine Studies
The Journal of Palestine Studies is the oldest and most respected English language journal devoted exclusively to Palestinian affairs and the Arab-Israeli conflict. It brings you timely and comprehensive information on the region’s political, religious, and cultural concerns.
Journal of Postcolonial Theory and Theology
The Journal of Postcolonial Theory and Theology welcomes all scholarly interrogations of postcolonial theories and theologies, without restriction to any particular political/cultural ideology or to specific critical practices. JPTT seeks to encourage the broadest possible variety of approaches and viewpoints, and the generation of wide-ranging, productive debates. Submitted articles will be evaluated for quality of their argument rather than personal agreement with the results or method.
The Journal of Postcolonial Writing (previously World Literature Written in English) is an academic journal devoted to the study of literature written in English and published throughout the world. In particular it aims to explore the interface between the postcolonial writing of the modern global era and the economic forces of production which increasingly commodify culture.
Journal of Punjab Studies
The Center for Sikh and Punjab Studies is pleased to announce that all articles in the Journal of Punjab Studies from Spring 2004-Fall 2007 are now available online in PDF format.
Journal of Race, Ethnicity, and Religion
The Journal of Race, Ethnicity, and Religion will attempt to assemble the best voices and insights from communities of color, promoting interdisciplinary and innovative investigation, and embracing new technologies of dissemination and empowerment.
JWIL, the premier journal in the field, is a twice-yearly publication of the Departments of Literatures in English of the University of the West Indies. The Editors invite the submission of articles that are the result of scholarly research in the literature of the English-speaking Caribbean. The Editors will also consider the publication of articles on the literatures of the non-English-speaking Caribbean, provided such articles are written in English and have a clear relevance to the themes and concerns of Caribbean literature in English or are of a comparative nature, comparing Caribbean literature in another language with that in English. JWIL will also publish book reviews.
Juvert: A Journal of Postcolonial Studies
Juvert ceased publication a few years ago, but their content is still available on their website.
Kunapipi: Journal of Postcolonial and Commonwealth Literature
Kunapipi is a bi-annual arts magazine of critical and creative writing with special but not exclusive emphasis on the new literatures written in English. It aims to fulfil the requirements T.S. Eliot believed a journal should have: to introduce work of little known writers of talent, to provide critical evaluation of the work of living authors, both famous and unknown, and to be truly international.
MaComère: Journal of the Association of Caribbean Women Writers and Scholars
MaComère is a refereed journal that is devoted to scholarly studies and creative works by and about Caribbean women in the Americas, Europe, and the Caribbean diaspora. It is the journal of the Association of Caribbean Women Writers and Scholars (ACWWS), an international organization founded in 1995. MaComère is published annually at the end of each year.
Matatu: Journal for African Culture and Society
Matatu is a journal on African literatures and societies dedicated to interdisciplinary dialogue between literary and cultural studies, historiography, the social sciences and cultural anthropology.
Middle Eastern Literatures (Formerly Edebiyat: Journal of M.E. Literatures)
Middle Eastern Literatures is endorsed by the Union Europnne des Arabisants et Islamisants (UEAI) and Classical Arabic Poetry Symposium (CAPS), and provides a forum for the academic study of all Middle Eastern literatures. Works on literature composed in, for example, Persian, Turkish, post-Biblical and modern Hebrew, Kurdish, or Urdu are welcomed. Regional literatures of the area, such as the Arabic, French, and Tamazight (“Berber“) literature from North Africa, also fall within the scope of the journal. The editors welcome high quality scholarly contributions (in English, French, or German) devoted to aspects of either one or several of the literatures of the Middle East, whether classical or modern.
Our project is eclectic. Middle Eastern Literatures encourages studies of a cross- and multi-linguistic nature that focus on East-West (and/or East-East) relations. Articles that examine the relationship of literature with other arts and media (visual arts, music, theatre, and film) will also be welcomed. The editors encourage the submission of translations of literary texts, accompanied by an introduction and full bibliographical details. From time to time, the journal will publish special issues focusing on a particular aspect of the literatures of the Middle East.
Mosaic: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Study of Literature
Founded in 1967, the year of Canada’s centennial, Mosaic is an interdisciplinary journal devoted to publishing the very best critical work in literature and theory. The journal brings insights from a wide variety of disciplines to bear on literary texts, cultural climates, topical issues, divergent art forms and modes of creative activity. Mosaic combines rigorous scholarship with cutting-edge exploration of theory and literary criticism. It publishes contributions from scholars around the world and it distributes to 34 countries. In North America, Mosaic is read by subscribers in almost every state and province. It can be found in over 500 of the world’s major university and college libraries.
New literatures review is a refereed international journal published twice a year. It publishes articles and interviews which emphasise the study of postcolonial literatures, especially comparative approaches and the application of literary theory to this field, as well as studies of individual writers and works.
Pacific Affairs: An International Review of Asia and the Pacific
Pacific Affairs has, over the years, celebrated and fostered a community of scholars and people active in the life of Asia and the Pacific. It has published scholarly articles of contemporary significance on Asiaand the Pacific since 1928. Its initial incarnation from 1926 to 1928 was as a newsletter for the Institute of Pacific Relations (IPR), but since May 1928, it has been published continuously as a quarterly under the same name.
Pakistaniaat: A Journal of Pakistan Studies
Pakistaniaat is a refereed, multidisciplinary, open access academic journal offering a forum for scholarly and creative engagement with various aspects of Pakistani history, culture, literature, and politics. Published online as well as inprint, Pakistaniaat is supported by the American Institute of Pakistan Studies. All sales of our Print Version support our free online open access mission.
Table of Contents–Current Issue.
Pakistan Journal of Women’s Studies
Pakistan Journal of Women’s Studies: Alam-e-Niswan is published twice a year by Pakistan Association for Women’s Studies (PAWS). PAWS, its friends and supporters believed that to encourage analytic responses to feminist issues and to make connections between the newly established Women’s Studies discipline at the University of Karachi and Women’s Studies world-wide we must have a scholarly journal. Our deliberations and discussions convinced us that this journal should act as a bridge between the activists and the academics. The first issue of Pakistan Journal of Women’s Studies: Alam-e-Niswan appeared in 1994.
The Palestine-Israel Journal is a non-profit organization, founded in 1994 by Ziad AbuZayyad and Victor Cygielman, two prominent Palestinian and Israeli journalists, and was established concurrently with the first phases of the Oslo peace process to encourage dialogue between civil societies on both sides and broaden the base of support for the peace process. It was obvious from the start that, alongside the institutional efforts of Palestinians and Israelis, channels of communication must be opened for academics and other intellectuals, opinion and policy makers, grassroots organizations and activists to voice their views and take part in the public debate for a democratic and just solution to the conflict.
Postcolonial Studies is the journal of the Institute of Postcolonial Studies, Melbourne. Postcolonial Studies is the first journal specifically aimed at publishing work which explores the various facets–textual, figural, spatial, historical, political and economic–of the colonial encounter, and the ways in which this encounter shaped the West and non-West alike.
Postcolonial Text is a refereed open access journal that publishes articles, book reviews, interviews, poetry and fiction on postcolonial, transnational, and indigenous themes.
RADICAL TEACHER, founded in 1975, is a socialist, feminist, and anti-racist journal dedicated to the theory and practice of teaching. It serves the community of educators who are working for democratic process, peace, and justice. The magazine examines the rootcauses of inequality and promotes progressive social change.
Research in African Literatures
Research in African Literatures, the premier journal of African literary studies worldwide, serves as a stimulating vehicle in English for research on the oral and written literatures of Africa.
Reviews in Cultural Theory
Reviews in Cultural Theory is a journal of book reviews that responds to new developments in the theorization of culture. Published online bi-weekly and collected into issues three times a year, Reviews in Cultural Theory seeks to provide a forum to foreground both new work in this field and the emergent community of scholars who share an interest in the complex and changing problematic of culture today.
Focusing on the wide distribution of short and timely reviews and review essays, the journal aims to remain responsive to the dynamism and pace of this field. The journal’s first three issues chart the contemporary shape of cultural theory as it touches on Visual Culture, Gender Studies, Geography, Queer Theory, Marxism, Anthropology, Critical Race Theory, Postcolonial Studies, Cultural History, and Sound Studies, among other fields and subjects, established and emerging. We welcome suggestions of new work for review.
Editors: Imre Szemán, Sarah Blacker, Justin Sully
Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities
Rupkatha Journal features peer-reviewed articles and book reviews on interdisciplinary cross-currents in the humanities. This is the first Indian Open Access Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies addressing the need for novel approaches to literature and arts. The Journal derives its name from ‘rup’ (form) and ‘katha’ (words), which, when combined, mean ‘myth’ in Bengali. The journal gets its inspiration from the etymology and goes by the principle that anything which has a form, visual or mental, can come under focus.
We have selected Interdisciplinary Studies because we think it “is the need of the hour”. “The fundamental idea for interdisciplinarity derives” as our Chief Editor Explains, “from an evolutionary necessity; namely the need to confront and interpret complex systems. To put it simply this means that [a] the entities that we investigate within the environment of contemporary science are perceived to be more like organic or inter-related complexes. The entity that is studied [say like one from logistics, or psychiatry, or dietary cuisine, for examples] can no longer be analyzed in terms of an object of ‘biology‘ or ‘chemistry’, but as a contending hierarchy of components which could be studied under the rubric of multiple or variable branches of knowledge.”
We have firm conviction in Open Access Philosophy and strongly support the Open Access Initiatives. In conformity with this, the content of publications will be primarily guided by the open nature of knowledge, and the journal is free to access from any corner of the world.
SAMAJ: South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal
SAMAJ is an academic and peer-reviewed on-line journal devoted to social science studies on South Asia. It publishes scholarly articles written by professional academics as well as doctoral students. Its scope is multidisciplinary, covering studies in history, geography, anthropology, sociology, political science, and economics.
In general, scholarly articles on South Asia have tended to be difficult to access due to the fact that they are only available through subscription or in libraries. In contrast, SAMAJ seeks to ‘democratize’ research-based studies on South Asia by giving such studies a greater visibility through free and worldwide access.
Sargasso: A Journal of Caribbean Literature, Language and Culture
Sargasso, a peer-reviewed journal of literature, language, and culture edited at the University of Puerto Rico, features critical essays, interviews, book reviews, and some poems and short stories. Published from the University of Puerto Rico at Rio Piedras for more than twenty years, Sargasso is affiliated with the Ph.D. program in Caribbean Literature and Linguistics in the Department of English of the College of Humanities. Two issues and an occasional special issue of the journal are produced each academic year.
settler colonial studies is a peer reviewed academic journal, which is published twice a year. We have established it to respond to what we believe is a growing demand for reflection and critical scholarship on settler colonialism as a distinct social and historical formation.
We aim to establish settler colonial studies as a distinct field of scholarly research. Scholars and students will find and contribute to historically-oriented research and analyses covering contemporary issues. However, we also aim to present multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research, involving areas like history, law, genocide studies, indigenous, colonial and postcolonial studies, historical geography, economics, politics, sociology, international relations, political science, literary criticism, cultural and gender studies and philosophy.
This journal will be considering original feature articles, review articles, and proposals for thematic issues. It will explore a new theme every issue, but will also present articles that don’t align with the theme, so long as they relate to the field in some way.
Small Axe: A Caribbean Journal of Criticism
“If you are a big tree, we are a small axe.” As this Jamaican proverb (popularized by Bob Marley) suggests, a small axe is an instrument of criticism. This is what our journal aims to be: a small axe. Since the demise of New World Quarterly (journal of the New World movement) in the late 1960s and Savacou (journal of the Caribbean Artist’s Movement) in the late 1970s, there has not been, in the Anglo-Creole Caribbean, a significant independent journal devoted to social, cultural, and political criticism. In different ways, the agendas of New World Quarterly (led by Lloyd Best) and Savacou (led by Kamau Brathwaite) were cultural-nationalist in orientation. Importantly, these were oppositional nationalist projects, nationalisms positioned counter to the complaisant middle class (or liberal-rationalist) nationalisms through which the postcolonial nation-states in the Caribbean were being imagined and constructed. Both journals sought to think critically against the Eurocentric norms of historical and cultural understanding of Caribbean society. Importantly too, both journals weren’t concerned merely to dismantle the epistemological assumptions of European/Western understandings of the Caribbean; they were concerned also to explore the idea of an idiom of criticism that was vernacular, that is to say a practice of criticism that both gave form to, and spoke from within, a Caribbean cultural-political tradition.
SOAS Literary Review
SOAS Literary Review is a refereed online journal edited and produced by research students at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London.
The journal seeks to provide an international forum for research students working on humanities topics and focusing on Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. Papers on literature, visual and performing arts, film and media are welcome.
We also encourage contributions on all aspects of postgraduate research including translations, fieldwork commentaries, and book and media reviews. The journal aims to stimulate dialogue between research students and scholars and forge links across institutions.
South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies
South Asia is a refereed journal published under the authority of the South Asian Studies Association of Australia. It is published three times a year, in April, August and December. Its mission is to provide a forum for scholarly research, comment and discussion on the history, society, economy, culture and international relations of the South Asian region from the earliest times to the present day. Ordinarily there are two general issues each year, and one dedicated to a topical theme. Published since 1971, South Asia is the world’s senior journal of record for the South Asian region.
South Asian Popular Culture is an interdisciplinary journal designed to respond to the growing interest in South Asian popular culture within the different subject disciplines in the social sciences and humanities. South Asian popular culture is defined in a broad and inclusive way to incorporate lived and textual cultures, the mass media, ways of life, and discursive modes of representation. Central to the formation of popular cultures are articulations of the economic, social and political spheres and the journal welcomes contributions that will highlight these issues.
South Asian Review
South Asian Review , the refereed journal of the South Asian Literary Association, is a representative international scholarly forum for the examination of South Asian Languages and Literatures in a broad cultural context. The journal is published four times a year: the Special Topic issue (June/July); the Regular issue (October); the Creative Writing issue (November); and the Conference issue (December).
Studies in South Asian Film & Media
Studies in South Asian Film and Media (SAFM) is the most promising new journal in the field. This peer-reviewed publication is committed to looking at the media and cinemas of the Indian subcontinent in their social, political, economic, historical, and increasingly globalized and diasporic contexts. The journal will evaluate these topics in relation to class, caste, gender, race, sexuality, and ideology.
The Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History
This journal has established itself as an internationally respected forum for the presentation and discussion of recent research in the history of the British Empire and Commonwealth and in comparative European colonial experiences. Particular attention is given to imperial policy and rivalries; colonial rule and local response; the rise of nationalism; the process of decolonization and the transfer of power and institutions; the evolution of the Imperial and Commonwealth association in general; and the expansion and transformation of British culture. The journal also features a substantial review section of recent literature.
Transnational Literature is published twice a year (May and November) and welcomes the submission of
- unpublished papers on Postcolonial literatures, New Literatures in English, International Writing, and any literatures in English that deal wtih crosscultural contact and interaction;
- creative and life writing with an emphasis on these themes;
- review of books, including both scholarly and literary works, of relevance to the journal’s area of interest. To receive calls for book reviewers from the editor from time to time, please join the CRNLE mailing list.
Wadabagei: A Journal of the Caribbean and Its Diasporas
Wadabagei: A Journal of the Caribbean and Its Diasporas, is committed to facilitating the exchange of ideas among Caribbean scholars worldwide. It is a multidisciplinary journal that publishes scholarly articles and occasional creative works from diverse fields including politics, literature, sociology, and religion, and reviews recent publications in Caribbean studies. Wadabagei places special emphasis on the acculturation of Caribbean people in North America but explores the Caribbean experience in all geographiclocations where Caribbean people have settled. The journal’s title is a Garifuna name for the conch shell that is frequently used to awaken Caribbean villages and announce community gatherings. It symbolizes the historic call to action by Haitian slaves and the Caribbean people’s continuing struggle for self-expression and self-determination.
Wasafiri: The International Magazine of Contemporary Writing
Wasafiri is a literary magazine at the forefront of mapping new landscapes in contemporary international literature today. In over 25 years of publishing, it has continued to provide consistent coverage to Britain’s diverse cultural heritage and publish a range of diasporic and migrant writing worldwide. ‘Wasafiri’, the Kiswahili word for travellers, captures our vision to focus on writing as a form of ‘cultural travelling’. Since Wasafiri was first published in 1984, it has consistently aimed to shift the contours of established literary canons and extend the borders of international contemporary writing, creating imaginative spaces and publishing some of the most promising new literary voices.
Words Without Borders (WWB) opens doors to international exchange through translation, publication, and promotion of the world’s best writing. WWB publishes selected prose and poetry on the web and in print anthologies (the next one tofocus on the Islamic world), stages special events that connect foreign writers to the general public and media, develops materials for high school teachers to use foreign literature in classrooms, and continues to build an unparalleled online resource center for contemporary global writing.