Ama Ata Aidoo
Brief Biography
Originally from Ghana, Ama Ata Aidoo’s (Born March 23, 1942) work focuses mostly on the struggles and lives of African women, and also about the problematics of return. By problematics of return I mean the way the returning Africans (from their travels or education in Europe or North America) view their own national cultures and the tensions that arise between them and their native counterparts. She is most famous for her novel Our Sister Killjoy or Reflections of a Black Eyed Squint (1966).
Major Works
- Our Sister Killjoy: or Reflections from a Black-eyed Squint. Longman, 1977.
- Changes: a Love Story (novel), The Feminist Press. 1993.
- No Sweetness Here: A Collection of Short Stories. The Feminist Press, 1995.
- The Girl Who Can and Other Stories. Heinemann African Writers Series, 1997.
- Diplomatic Pounds & Other Stories. Ayebia Clarke Publishing, 2012.