ENG 3440.01: British Literature 1780 to Present
T, TR 12:30-1:50 PM, Language 219
Office Hours: T, TR 10:00-12:00 and by Appointment. (Office, AUD 106)
Contact: mraja@unt.edu
- Reading Strategies
Course Policies and Requirements
You are expected to come prepared for class: This involves reading the assigned texts, listening carefully to your peers, and contributing your views in a collegiate and stimulating way. Attendance is mandatory.
- Mid-Term 300 Points
- Quizes 200 Points
- Presentation 200 Points
- Participation 100 Points
- Final Exam 400 Points
- Total 1000 Points
Quizes (200)
Every week you will take a quiz on Tuesday. The quizes will just guage wheter or not you have read the assigned texts.
- What does the text say about gender, race, ethnicity, class, nation, or power and what are your views about it?
- Did you agree or disagree with the text’s politics? why?
- What is the text critiquing?
- How can we relate this text to contemporary realities?
- Does this text raise the question of justice? If so, how and for whom?
- Does the text provide a politics for a better future?
Week 2
Select Presentation Topics.
Dicsussion: Burke, Wollstonecraft, Blake
Equino, Intro and “from the Interesting Narrative” (216)
Prince, Inro and “from the History of” (225)
Wordsworth, Intro and “from the Prelude” (267), and “Tintern Abbey” (390)
Week 3
Discussion: Equino, Prince, Wordsworth
Coleridge, Intro and “Kubla Khan” (602)
Byron, Intro and “She Walks in Beauty” (646)
Shelley, Intro and “Ozamandias” (782)
Keats, Intro and “Ode on a Grecian Urn” (913)
Week 4
Discussion: Coleridge, Byron, Shelley, Keats
The Victorian Age, Intro (1049-1065)
Mill, Intro and “On Liberty” (1113-1117)
Week 5
Discussion: Intro and Mill
Elizabeth Browning, Intro and “The Runaway Slave” (1148)
Dickens. “from Hard Times” (1098)
Robert Browning, Intro and “My Last Duchess” (1328)
Week 6
Discussion: E. Browning, Dickens, R. Brwoning
Tennyson, Intro and “The lady of Shalot” (1181)
Darwin, Intro and “On the Origin of Species” (1272-1277)
C. Bronte, Intro and “from Jane Eyre” (1299)
Week 7
Discussion: Tennyson, darwin, Bronte
Hardy, Intro and “The Withered Arm” (1447)
Arnold, “Dover Beach” (1562), “Functions of Criticism” (1585)
Week 8
Mid Term
Discussion: Hardy and Arnold
Pater, Intro and “The Renaissance” (1693-1698)
Hopkins, Intro and “God’s Grandeur” (1702)
Week 9
Discussion: Pater, Hopkins
Kipling, Intro and “Gunga Din” (1742)
Macaulay, Intro and “Minute on Indian Education” (1753)
Wilde, Intro and “The harlot’s House” (1822)
Discussion:Hardy, yeats, Joyce
Eliot, Intro and “The Love Song of. . .” (2287)
Woolf, “from a Room of One’s Own” (2442)
Lawrence, Intro and “Odour of. . .” (2501)
Week 13
Discussion: Eliot, Woolf, lawrence
Beckett, Intro and “Endgame” (2577)
Auden, Intro and “In memory of. . .” (2622)
Forster, Intro and “The Life to Come” (2204)
Week 14 & 15
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