ENG 2323.02: British Literature 1780 to Present
T, 6:00-8:50 PM, Language 211
Office Hours: T, TR 12:30-2:00 and by Appointment. (Office, Language 408E)
Email: raja@postcolonial.net OR use this Contact Form
- Reading Strategies
Course Policies and Requirements
You are expected to come prepared for class: This involves reading the assigned texts, listening carefully to your peers, and contributing your views in a collegiate and stimulating way. Attendance is mandatory.
- Mid-Term 200 Points
- Online Journal Responses 200 Points
- Presentation 200 Points
- Participation 100 Points
- Final Exam 300 Points
- Total 1000 Points
Every week you will post your response to the readings on the discussion thread provided under Online Journals on the course website. To be able to do this you must create a user name on the course website; you will share this user name with me for me to be able to keep a record of your postings. Your response must at least be 500 words.
- What does the text say about gender, race, ethnicity, class, nation, or power and what are your views about it?
- Did you agree or disagree with the text’s politics? why?
- What is the text critiquing?
- How can we relate this text to contemporary realities?
- Does this text raise the question of justice? If so, how and for whom?
- Does the text provide a politics for a better future?
Week 2
Select Presentation Topics.
Dicsussion: Burke, Wollstonecraft, Blake
Equino, Intro and “from the Interesting Narrative” (216)
Prince, Inro and “from the History of” (225)
Wordsworth, Intro and “from the Prelude” (267), and “Tintern Abbey” (390)
Week 3
Discussion: Equino, Prince, Wordsworth
Coleridge, Intro and “Kubla Khan” (602)
Byron, Intro and “She Walks in Beauty” (646)
Shelley, Intro and “Ozamandias” (782)
Keats, Intro and “Ode on a Grecian Urn” (913)
Week 4
Discussion: Coleridge, Byron, Shelley, Keats
The Victorian Age, Intro (1049-1065)
Mill, Intro and “On Liberty” (1113-1117)
Week 5
Discussion: Intro and Mill
Elizabeth Browning, Intro and “The Runaway Slave” (1148)
Dickens. “from Hard Times” (1098)
Robert Browning, Intro and “My Last Duchess” (1328)
Week 6
Discussion: E. Browning, Dickens, R. Brwoning
Tennyson, Intro and “The lady of Shalot” (1181)
Darwin, Intro and “On the Origin of Species” (1272-1277)
C. Bronte, Intro and “from Jane Eyre” (1299)
Week 7
Discussion: Tennyson, darwin, Bronte
Hardy, Intro and “The Withered Arm” (1447)
Arnold, “Dover Beach” (1562), “Functions of Criticism” (1585)
Week 8
Mid Term
Discussion: Hardy and Arnold
Pater, Intro and “The Renaissance” (1693-1698)
Hopkins, Intro and “God’s Grandeur” (1702)
Week 9
Discussion: Pater, Hopkins
Kipling, Intro and “Gunga Din” (1742)
Macaulay, Intro and “Minute on Indian Education” (1753)
Wilde, Intro and “The harlot’s House” (1822)
Discussion:Hardy, yeats, Joyce
Eliot, Intro and “The Love Song of. . .” (2287)
Woolf, “from a Room of One’s Own” (2442)
Lawrence, Intro and “Odour of. . .” (2501)
Week 13
Discussion: Eliot, Woolf, lawrence
Beckett, Intro and “Endgame” (2577)
Auden, Intro and “In memory of. . .” (2622)
Forster, Intro and “The Life to Come” (2204)
Week 14 & 15
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